Well work been busy wif the H1N1 sorting team..weather have to go to team A or B..team A will be staying at Ang Mo Kio Police HQ & team B will be going to Hougang NPC..the motive of tis wen team A or B is down we still have back up..so i'll be staying at Ang Mo Kio HQ & covering some of our cllg job..have to run here n there..tired sei..haha..;)
So after all the stress at work friday nite we came down to DBLO to surpport Freekzy Nutz for their JIM BEAM final dance comp *Party Like A RockStar* ps-will joining bax the crew soon for next comp.. & yesterday we wen down to Punggol End for photo shooting session.. *more pix will be post up soon* after the photo shoot wen down to town for dinner & window shopping..after tat going to Marina Barrage to meet up the famz n cuzz..& after all that going down to beach rd for late supper wif famz,cuzz & homies..finally get to eat all i want..=)